Blarney Stone

Gesloten (zo 10.00 - 03.00)

Toon openingstijden

cafés - Blarney Stone - kaartoverzicht

Blarney Stone

he Blarney Stone is one of the oldest and most authentic irish bars in Amsterdam. Unlike most of the irish theme bars that litter europe and other parts of the world, the Blarney is the type of bar you'll find in most rural parts of Ireland. In our bar we have most drinks you'll find in any bar in Ireland .On tap we sell guiness, kilkenny, magner's cider, murphy's red and a local lager. We have a large selection of bottled beers and alcopops.Behind the bar you'll see bottles of jameson, paddy, tullamore dew,baileys and powers. Our irish coffee is definitely worth a try.


  • breakfast from 10.00 till 14.00.


Opent morgen om 10.00
maandag10.00 - 1.00
dinsdag10.00 - 1.00
woensdag10.00 - 1.00
donderdag10.00 - 1.00
vrijdag10.00 - 1.00
zaterdag10.00 - 3.00
zondag10.00 - 3.00


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Adres- en contactgegevens

Blarney Stone
Nieuwendijk 29
1012LZ Amsterdam

+31 (0)20 6233830

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