Lellebel Café

Gesloten (zo 20.00 - 03.00)

Toon openingstijden

cafés - Lellebel Café - kaartoverzicht

Lellebel Café

Since we opened the doors in the winter of 1997, Dragshowbar Lellebel has been one of the striking bars in the city of Amsterdam. Winning the Gay Canal Boat Parade of 2000
is one of the occurrences marking this fact. The Lellebel offers live shows, theme nights and events 7 days a week the whole year round. The focus of The Lellebel is towards the transvestite, transsexual, gay and lesbian community.
In the summer of 1998, during the Gay Games the idea was launched to go online with the Lellebel to make it easier for people all over the world to find us and to be able to share information with them. You have found your way to our website! We hope you enjoy your stay here. You can mail questions and comments to desiree at lellebel dot nl


Er zijn nog geen expertises ingevuld voor Lellebel Café


Er zijn nog geen expertises ingevuld voor Lellebel Café

  • gaybar


Opent morgen om 20.00
maandag20.00 - 3.00
dinsdag20.00 - 3.00
woensdag20.00 - 3.00
donderdag20.00 - 3.00
vrijdag20.00 - 4.00
zaterdag20.00 - 4.00
zondag20.00 - 3.00


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Adres- en contactgegevens

Lellebel Café
Utrechtsestraat 4
1017VN Amsterdam

+31 (0)20 4275139

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